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Vilkas Suite supportOrder status
To simplify editing orders, you can define a different status for each individual order. For example, you can very easily determine which of the orders you have sent and which ones have already been paid for.
The following statuses are available:
You have opened this order in the administration area. Read the section A special feature: the 'Viewed' order status below.
You have rejected the order so it has been cancelled. The stock level is automatically adjusted for the relevant products. For more information on the stock level, read Stock level / minimum stock level. Only rejected and archived orders can be deleted by you.
In process
You have started editing the order.
Editing of the order is currently paused.
Ready for dispatch
The order is ready but has not yet been sent.
Partially dispatched
Parts of the order have been sent to the customer, but some have not.
You have sent the complete order to the customer.
The delivery has been completed.
Partially invoiced
You have partially invoiced the customer.
You have invoiced the customer.
Partially paid
The customer has partially paid the invoice.
The customer has paid the invoice.
The customer has returned the order.
The order has been completed.
The order has been completed and is already older. Only rejected and archived orders can be deleted by you.
The Viewed order status has a special role:
It is automatically set for each order as soon as they have been opened.
The order no. of an order that has not yet been marked as Viewed is shown in bold text in the table on the page Orders >> View orders.
Orders that have not been viewed are displayed on the home page in the administration area.
How to manage an order's status
1. In the administration area in the main menu, select Orders and then View orders.
2. The table shows a list of all orders. The Status column provides an initial overview of the most important order statuses:


Not yet Invoiced

Partially invoiced


Not yet Paid

Partially paid


Not yet Dispatched

Ready for dispatch

Partially dispatched




Not yet Closed



If you move the cursor over one of the symbols, you will usually see the date and time when this status was set.
3. To edit the status of an order, select its order no.
4. You can directly change the status of an order without editing the order itself by selecting statuses with the check boxes at the top of the page. As soon as you have selected a check box, the current date and time are inserted. You will then later be able to retrace when you made which editing step.
5. When you have specified the current status of the order, save your data.
You can determine that your shop automatically sends an e-mail to the customer when you have set a certain order status. For example, your customer will immediately receive an e-mail as soon as an order is marked as Sent. For more information, see Email events.
Orders cannot be edited if they have the status Rejected, Closed or Archived.
Orders can only be deleted if they have the status Rejected or Archived.
In the overview of the orders (under Orders >> View orders), you can also make a targeted search for orders with a specific status. To do this, use the advanced search. For more information, see The search function in the administration area.
Your shop system does not check whether the individual status of an order makes logical sense. For example, you may give an order both the status Rejected and Dispatched, or both Partially invoiced and Invoiced.