You can offer customer service through the Elisa chat service. The chat window is shown in your shop if a customer service worker is logged in to the chat and they can then help the customer in real time.
Using the service
Read more about the service on (in Finnish).
You can register as a user of Elisa chat on the Marketing > Livezhat > Register page.
Using the service in your webshop
Once you have received your log in details you enter them on the Marketing > Livezhat page. If you use different languages each language will have their own ID.
Elisa chat admin settings
In Elisa chat's own admin settings there is one setting that needs to be changed. This can be found once logged in under Settings > Organization Settings > Integration Codes for... > Advanced > Load Livezhats jQuery. It's needs to be removed for the chat to work proparly with the web shop.
When the service is activated and someone is logged in from customer service the chat window shows to the customer in the bottom right corner.