From idea to implementation with service design

We don't just design, we deliver a holistic customer experience. Service design focuses first and foremost on the customer and the usability of the online store.

At the heart of a successful online shop is a smooth shopping experience, which is incorporated in both the technical solutions and the layout.

We design a selling online store with professionalism and pride.


Design and commerciality

E-commerce design is a real balancing act between commerciality, usability and flair. Ecommerce design is about much more than just the look and feel: colours, fonts and so on, it's about the functionality of the whole site: how easy it is to shop, how products are displayed and how the brand is communicated.

The goal of UX design is to ensure a relevant and successful experience for the customer when using a digital service. It is about what the customer experiences and feels when interacting with the digital service. In the hands of the UI designer, the need identified in the UX design becomes a concrete need: an interface to an online store.


Project delivery

Whether the need is for a minor update or a completely new concept, the objectives must be defined. Everything must be based on improving the user experience in a commercial sense. So you have to put the customer at the centre, understanding their needs.

Vilkas' services is always carried through with a formula: Understanding, defining, designing and implementing.

This saves time, costs and delivers results that support the growth of your online business.


For you

Tailored designs

Your look is a visible part of your online shop and your brand. Vilkas' designers have years of experience and a vision of what works and sells.

Our design professionals are graphic designers and user interface designers with extensive knowledge of ecommerce technology. As a result, the end result is not only beautiful, but functional and attractive.

Customer experience

E-commerce design and UX

A stylish look and feel and user experience design are important pillars of an online store, ensuring that customers enjoy the store and can easily find what they want. It's also important to design the mobile experience of your online store and build a responsive site, because when looking at visitor numbers, a new visitor is likely to come to the store on their phone.

The project always starts with a comprehensive review of the client's needs, which is the basis for the design and structure of the site. Once the design is complete, the most appropriate theme is chosen together, on which the visual identity is built. It is also possible to order the design through your existing advertising agency, for example, in which case we will build the layout based on your design.

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Contact us - we are here for you!

Ari Paksuniemi

Ari Paksuniemi
+358 50 550 8077


Timo Korvenoja
+358 50 65 013

Or hit us with a message